
Church News and Services

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Start The Journey Now

We would love to see you next Sunday morning. Find out what’s happening at our church and how you can get involved.

Children Services

Explore our many options for families and children. Children are welcome in church at any time for any service. Children are particularly catered for at the ten o’clock Sunday Communion service.

Start The Journey Now

The Old Stables is available to hire for regular classes and parties, on condition that public liability insurance is obtained. Follow the link to make a booking.

Adel Parish Church: part of Christ’s family, welcoming everyone, sharing God’s love and being a voice of hope

Our Ministry

Our Rector is the Rev’d Alison Battye. She lives in the Rectory in Church Lane with her family. She is assisted by our two church wardens and PCC. Many other members of the church share in preparing and leading worship, pastoral care and other roles.

Revd Alison Battye

25 Church Lane, Adel, LS16 8DQ

Where to find us


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