The costs of running our church never seem to reduce and there always seems to be additional expenses which require funding. Our biggest annual outlay is our Parish Share, our contribution to Diocesan costs which includes the employment costs of our rector and curate and also provides funding for other parishes.
Planned giving is a very effective way of contributing to our annual costs and gives the PCC the means to plan our budgets as efficiently as possible. It means a regular financial commitment from our church members and can be done in a variety of ways.
- The Regular Weekly Envelope scheme.
- Bankers standing order, monthly quarterly or annually.
- Cheque at the same intervals as by standing order.
In addition if the donations are Gift Aided, our church can reclaim 25p from HMRC for every pound donated. This makes a significant difference to our fund-raising.
A Gift Aid Declaration ensures that we can benefit, the main criteria being that church members need to be tax payers, (income tax and/or capital gains tax) and pay sufficient tax to cover the tax our church can reclaim on their donations.
For more information and details please contact the Planned Giving Organiser Helen Hallett
Phone: 0113 2178845 or 07545110822
Email: [email protected]