If there are any special services on the calendar they will be listed below
Coffee Morning
Here are some links to information that was previously on this page
Service Details can be found by clicking on the “Details of Services” button on the menu, or clicking here
Service Times can be found by clicking on the “Details of Services” button on the menu, or clicking here
Church Opening Times can be found by clicking on the “About Us” button followed by “Visiting the Church” on the menu, or clicking here
Latest News etc can can be found by clicking on the “News and Events” button followed by “Church News” on the menu, or clicking here
Our YouTube Channel can be found by clicking on the “Home” screen, or clicking here
Adel Bells can be found by clicking on the “News and Events” button followed by “Parish Magazine” on the menu, or clicking here
Donations Online and by Cheque can be found by clicking on the “About Us” button followed by “Donations”on the menu, or clicking here