Our Normal Services
Sunday BCP Eucharist at 8.30am
Sunday Eucharist service at 10am
Evensong on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 6.30pm
Wednesday Eucharist 11am
Preparation of the new Electoral Roll 2025
Every six years, a new Electoral Roll has to be generated for the Parish. This year, 2025, is the year this has to take place.
Everyone, including those on the current Roll, must fill in an application form if they wish to be entered on the new Roll which will be prepared during the weeks from 19 January until 15 March and presented at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) on 6 April 2025. No additions or alterations can be made after 15 March until the new Roll has been presented at the APCM.
Application forms are available from Beryl Stoker (Electoral Roll Officer), Rector Alison or from one of the Churchwardens from 19 January and should be returned either to one of the above or by placing them in the red box available near the forms at the back of the Church. All forms must be returned by the deadline of 15 March. After this date, no new names can be added or alterations made until after the APCM.
Please read the Application Form and attached notes carefully to ensure you are eligible to be on the Roll.
If you have any further questions please contact Beryl Stoker (home: 0113 261 9436; mobile: 07720864432; email: [email protected]), Reverend Alison or one of our Churchwardens.
Details of our privacy policy relating to the Electoral Roll is available by clicking here or from Beryl Stoker if a paper copy is required.
Online Donation Service for general church funds
It is possible to make donations to general church funds online.
If you wish to use this service, please click on the button below. (Links to an external site)
If you are able to gift aid your donation, please do so.
At the present time, please do not use this method to donate to social functions.
Donations can also be made by cheque.
Please make sure cheques are made payable to Adel PCC