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Service Times

These are the regular services at Adel Parish Church of St John the Baptist.


8.30 am – BCP Eucharist.

10:00 am – Sung Parish Communion (with Junior Church during term time)*.

On the 3rd Sunday in a month, this is an All Age Service where children and adults worship together*.

6:30 pm – Evensong on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month.

* Please note these services will probably be live streamed on our YouTube channel.


11:00 am – Said Eucharist.


On the third Thursday of each month there is a Said Eucharist in the Stables at 3:15 pm, followed by a cup of tea and the chance for a chat.

Daily Offices

Morning Prayer is usually said in the church on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 8:00 am.

Evening Prayer is usually said in the church on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 5:00 pm.

Morning and Evening Prayer last 20-25 minutes. We use Common Worship prayer books, and the service includes a psalm, prayers and readings. Anyone is welcome, you can join in or just listen and enjoy the peace.

Details of times you can access the church for private prayer may be found by clicking here

Where to find us


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